developers and builders. The recreational group of metal detectors who obtained Council’s approval to be provided with a permit through City Parks Department to conduct metal detecting activities in City Parks will also be taken into consideration. The consultant will not only design the engagement strategy, but also the educational and training components for both city staff and the public after adoption of the AMP Review Plan.

Risk Analysis:

Risk to not conducting the review is the inability to comply with updated legislation and to continue requiring/or not requiring archaeological assessments based on dated information from an outdated Archaeological Potential Model. The other risk is the implications of inaccurate budgeting for city projects without understanding of Archaeological constraints, as well as the lack of clarity in Indigenous Engagement Protocols. Conversely, the AMP Review can be thought of as a tool to allow for the conservation of archaeological resources while giving clarity to all parties that conduct land disturbance projects. It can also be a method to enhance Indigenous Relations.

Financial Matters:

The funding for this project has already been approved.


The terms of reference was created based on consultations with MHSTCI, and information from other municipalities who have recently conducted AMP.


As the approval authority, the City of Windsor is undertaking an update to the current Archaeological Management Plan to satisfy the requirements of current legislation and better conserve archaeological resources in the community.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Michael Cooke Manager of Planning Policy/ Deputy City Planner
Thom Hunt City Planner / Executive Director Planning & Building
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor / CLT