Reduced Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setback

The intent of a minimum interior side yard and rear yard setbacks in a residential zone is to ensure there is an adequate physical separation between buildings and lot lines to provide sufficient outdoor area for residents and sufficient spatial buffering. The standard RD3.14 zone requires a minimum 9.0m interior side yard and rear yard setback, which would include a building height of 34.0m. A minimum 5.5m interior side yard setback and a 6.0m rear yard setback are proposed, with a much shorter building height of 11.6m (excluding the mechanical penthouse). As previously noted, a 6.0m setback to a low intensity building is sufficient to provide spatial separation and ensure compatibility between uses. Furthermore, it is anticipated that landscaping, including trees, will be reviewed and confirmed through the Site Plan Approval process, providing additional screening. As the south end of the subject lands will abut a future drive aisle (as an extension of Palmetto Street), there is no need for buffering. Rather, only a functional setback is required to ensure sufficient operation of the building. The proposed 5.5m setback allows for access to the rear of the building and can also accommodate landscaping. As such, the proposed 5.5m setback is appropriate.

The proposed site specific RD3.14 zone is intended to permit a desirable and valuable long-term care facility. Given the analysis above, the proposed zone and zoning regulations are appropriate for the development of the subject lands and will maintain a compatible interface with abutting uses. The zone is consistent with the “Residential” designation in the City of Windsor Official Plan.

The proposed setbacks are consistent with the intent of the RD3.14 zone, as well as the intent of the “Residential” land use designation in the City of Windsor Official Plan.



A Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) was completed for the subject lands by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited. Based on the findings of the assessment, it is recommended that traffic volumes be accommodated by a full-turns access at the Banwell Road and Palmetto Street intersection, and a right-in/right-out access to the north of Palmetto Street. This recommendation includes mitigation measures, including the prohibition of U-turns at the Banwell Road and Palmetto Street intersection.


A Sanitary and Storm Servicing Study was completed by Aleo Associates. Based on the findings of the study, the municipal sanitary and storm sewers have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development.