The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment seek to permit the proposed 3-storey, 192 bed long term care facility on the subject lands. The proposed facility is intended to help meet the needs of the aging population in Windsor, and to replace the existing Banwell Gardens home to the east. Given the high demand for long-term care facilities across the Province and in the City of Windsor, the proposed facility is a valuable and desirable use. The spatial and land use context of the site is supportive of a long-term care facility, and there are no undue, adverse impacts anticipated on abutting or adjacent lands. The proposal is appropriate for the site and compatible with abutting lands.

Based on the above, and as detailed throughout this Planning Justification Report, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment is consistent with the intent and policies of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), the City of Windsor Official Plan, and the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law. As such, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment are appropriate and represent good land use planning.