The RD3.14 zone is the standard implementing zone to permit long-term care facilities in the City of Windsor (see Table 1). The standard zone regulations are regarded as established standards that are compatible with a range of abutting uses, including single detached dwellings, given the typical planned locations of long-term care facilities in residential areas.

Table 1 – Zoning Data Table
Site Data(Residential District 3 (RD3.14 Multiple Dwelling, Assisted Living, Long Term Care Facility))
Permitted Uses Assisted Living Units, Long Term Care Facility, Multiple Dwelling, Any Use Accessory to the Preceding Uses Long Term Care Facility
Lot Coverage (max.) 40.0% 24.1%
Main Building Height (max.) 34.0 m 11.6 m(excluding mechanical penthouse as per Section 5.35.1 of the Zoning By-Law)
Front Yard Depth (min.) 12.0 m 13.0 m
Rear Yard Depth (min.) 9.0 m 6.0 m
Side Yard Width (min.) 9.0 m 5.4 m
Landscaped Area (min.) 30% of lot area 37.6%
Gross Floor Area Ratio (max.) 1.80 1.42
Parking 48 spaces 97 spaces

The 3-storey building is a low-rise profile and is compatible with existing 1 and 2-storey single detached dwellings that abut the subject lands to the west. The interface of the proposed development and the abutting dwellings is typical of low-rise, medium density development. The landscaped area between the lot line and the building may accommodate trees and other vegetation. Details, including landscaping, will be reviewed and confirmed through the subsequent Site Plan Approval stage.

The height, as well as scale and massing, are appropriate for the subject lands, and the location and orientation allows for a compatible development that provides all the requisite components of a successful long-term care facility that can be integrated seamlessly into the community. It is noted that a long-term care facility has a significantly lower intensity and lower activity level than an apartment building. Such lower levels of activity further contribute to the compatibility of the proposed use.

The parking supply of 97 spaces is provided, which complies with the required rate of 1 per 4 beds (192 beds, 48 spaces required), as per Section 24.20.5 of the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law.