presence/potential of archaeological resources through the archaeological potential model, and the practical management of archaeological resources.

As part of the above, the consultant will be responsible for designing and carrying out a work program to achieve the study objectives. The consultant is expected to carry out the work program through a Stage 1 Project Information Form so that the AMP will officially be supported by MHSTCI. Upon completion the Proponent will present the public report to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee and to City Council. The public document must contain recommendations, an implementation plan and a schedule and should be written in plain, clear, and concise language, easily understood by users of the document who are not subject-matter specialists. It is desired that the AMP Plan Review be completed within a year of project initiation.

Without limiting the approach and originality of the consultant, this study shall include the following:


  1. Update the objectives for the Windsor Archaeological Management Plan, as necessary.

  2. Prepare a brief review/update of the pre-history and the early history of Windsor utilizing both primary (e.g. deeds, letters, etc.) and secondary sources, and engagement of Indigenous communities

  3. Review and update legislative framework and existing federal, provincial and municipal guidelines for the protection and management of archaeological resources. Highlight municipal obligations for the protection and stewardship of archaeological resources.

  4. Recommend policies addressing marine archaeology.

  5. Review and analyze the existing Official Plan policies dealing with archaeological resources and provide recommended changes to these policies that may be appropriate as a result of this study. Note that any amendments to the Official Plan that result from this study will be prepared by municipal staff.

  6. Review metal detecting and management of archaeological resources during metal detecting activities

  7. Update the resource section and bibliography.


The City of Windsor has not consistently maintained its archaeological sites database and Archaeological Potential Model since its adoption in 2005. Consolidation of this data would be required as part of the work scope.

  1. Review copies of all archaeological reports used to prepare the existing Archaeological Management Plan to obtain accurate locations and status of archaeological resources. This includes reports used for registered sites, and information of site leads and suspected/non-registered sites that pre-date the registration system, as well as marine archaeological sites and shipwrecks. Traditional Indigenous areas, and active and closed cemeteries should be reviewed and included. The information from this exercise would be used to prepare the confidential technical report containing all data about registered and unregistered