Appendix A- Terms of Reference for Archaeological Management Plan Review

Information has been extracted from RFP 9-20 Archaeological Management Plan Review Consultant, Section 7 REQUIREMENTS AND DELIVERABLES OF THE CONTRACT

7.1 The successful Proponent will demonstrate ability, qualifications and knowledge in the following areas:

Proponent’s key liaison is an archaeologist who holds a valid Professional (P) licence issued by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (MHSTCI).

7.2  These competencies will support the provision of the following services under the Contract:

7.2.1The Archaeological Management Plan Update for the City of Windsor should meet the following objectives:

  1. Update sites database of known/registered archaeological sites, site leads and archaeologically sensitive areas, including marine archaeological sites.

  2. Review current archaeological potential model and update/improve it according to current standards, conditions, and new information.

  3. Update the list of applicable legislation, modernize the relevant policies and recommend best practices for managing archaeological resources. Focus on land-based archaeology but include guidance for management of any known or discovered marine archaeological sites.

  4. Revise implementation strategy for all affected stakeholders, including persons with interest to archeological resources (such as metal detectorists) municipal staff, and other private initiators of ground disturbances that may impact archaeological resources
  5. Develop an engagement protocol for Indigenous Communities, with input from the communities.

  6. Increase public awareness and stewardship of archaeological resources

The deliverable will consist of two components;

1. A confidential technical report that contains all the data about registered and unregistered archaeological sites and archaeologically sensitive areas with particular emphasis on City-owned lands with known archaeological interest, and;

2. Updated public Archaeological Management Plan that speaks to the history of the area and background legislation, policy/guidelines on archaeology,