The development of residential uses is encouraged at locations which enhance the character and amenity of a residential area, and where there is safe and convenient access to public transit, shopping, public open space, recreation facilities and other urban amenities. The proposed development is appropriate and compatible with the surrounding context; has access to public transit along Banwell Road; and is proximate to multiple public parks, shopping, and other amenities.

There are no concerns with compatibility of the proposed development and surrounding land uses, including the lumber yard located to the northwest. Given that single detached dwellings abut the lumber yard to the north, which is a much more intensive land use than a long-term care facility, the proposed development is compatible with single detached dwellings and the abutting lumber yard.

The Official Plan provides that residential development shall be located where there is access to a collector or arterial road; full municipal services can be provided; adequate community services and open spaces are available or planned; and public transportation service can be provided (Section The subject lands abut Banwell Road (a Class II Arterial Road), with future vehicular access from a new signalized intersection at Palmetto Street and a secondary RIRO access onto Banwell Road. The proposed development will make use of full municipal services.

Public park space is available to the east across Banwell Road along Palmetto Street (Palmetto Park) and to the south along Wildwood Drive (Wildwood Park). Public transportation (Lauzon 10) is available along Banwell Road. Given the above, the proposed development conforms to the locational criteria of the “Residential” land use designation.

The existing development pattern surrounding the subject lands is a mixture of existing neighbourhood and vacant lands which provide a mix of uses, lot shapes/sizes, and built forms. Further to the Evaluation Criteria for Neighbourhood Development Pattern, the proposed development conforms to Official Plan Section

An adequate off-street parking supply should be provided in the “Residential” land use designation, as per Official Plan Section The off-street parking supply for the long-term care facility exceeds the required parking amount (1 per 4 beds) within the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law, and is adequate for the proposed use.

The proposed development will make use of available, existing municipal services surrounding the subject lands (Section Details relating to engineering and servicing are described later in this report, and supporting studies are attached to this application.