There are no other applicable secondary plans or guideline documents for the subject lands (Section

In evaluating the proposed Official Plan Amendment, regard must be had for the objectives and policies of the “Residential” land use designation.

Official Plan Section 6.3.1 – Residential Objectives

The objectives of the “Residential” designation are to provide a complementary range of housing forms and tenures (i.e. rental vs. ownership) in all neighbourhoods (Section in a compact manner, encouraging a balanced transportation system (Section The proposed use is a compact, efficient form of development, adding to the range of built forms and tenures that exist in the surrounding area. Long-term care facilities are a complementary use of land within existing residential areas and are generally regarded as compatible abutting single detached dwellings.

Furthermore, the proposed long-term care facility will allow seniors in the community to “age-in- place” and may not be required to leave the area to live in a long-term care home. Given the above, the proposed development meets the applicable objectives of the “Residential” land use designation.

Official Plan Section 6.3.2 – Residential Policies

Low, medium, and high profile dwelling units are permitted within the “Residential” land use designation. Low profile developments consist of buildings or structures generally no greater than three (3) storeys in height (Section The proposed 3-storey long-term care facility is a low profile development and is permitted within the “Residential” land use designation. Generally, 3-storey buildings are compatible with all other building heights, including single-storey dwellings.