The proposed low profile, long term care facility is an appropriate transition between less intense, low profile single detached dwellings to the west of the subject lands, and Banwell Road to the east, and is only a minor increase in height from the adjacent buildings and the dwellings to the west (Section Furthermore, the proposed building will act as a noise buffer and visual screen between vehicular noise and activity along a “Class II Arterial Road” (Banwell Road).

Official Plan Section provides that the provision of housing to meet the needs of special segments of the City of Windsor’s population, such as seniors, is encouraged. The proposed development provides long term care opportunities for seniors (Section

As outlined above, the subject lands are an appropriate location to re-apply the “Residential” land use designation of the City of Windsor Official Plan. The proposed 3-storey long term care facility maintains the planned function of the land use designation, is consistent with the intent and policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan, and is an appropriate, compatible, and desirable use for the subject lands.


The subject lands are currently zoned “Holding, Commercial District (HCD2.1)” with site specific zoning provision “S.20(1)181” in the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law 8600 (Figure 12). The HCD2.1 and S.20(1)181 zones permit a range of commercial uses reflective of the previous development proposal for the subject lands, but does not permit a long-term care facility. A Zoning By-Law Amendment is required to permit the proposed long-term care facility. As such, it is proposed that the subject lands be re-zoned from the existing HCD2.1 and S.20(1)181 zones to a site specific “Residential District (RD3.14(_))” zone to permit the proposed development. The following site specific special provisions are requested to permit the proposed development:

Figure 12 – City of Windsor Zone Map (Excerpt)