Item No. 10.1

Council Report: S 71/2020

Subject: Updates to the Archaeological Management Plan


Date to Council: June 8, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: May 5, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SPL2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That this report regarding the updating of the Windsor Archaeological Management Plan BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION.

Executive Summary:



The City of Windsor is an area rich in cultural heritage resources. For thousands of years, the Detroit River served as a corridor for both Indigenous peoples and early Europeans, leaving behind a vast array of archaeological resources.

City Council recognized the rich archaeology resources in the City through adoption of the Windsor Archaeological Master Plan (AMP) as a policy document in August 2005. AMP also includes a map of Archaeological Potential in Windsor and a companion report entitled: "Windsor Archaeological Master Plan Implementation Manual'', which have been used as tools to identify when and where archaeological assessments are required prior to land disturbances. The AMP is referenced in the City of Windsor’s Official Plan Chapter 9 on Heritage Conservation, and the archaeological potential map is also integrated as a schedule of the Official Plan.

Since the adoption of the AMP in 2005, there have been several legislative changes and updates to standards in archaeological processes, including expectations for Indigenous Engagement.

In addition, a critical purpose of the AMP is its Archaeological Potential Model. The original model adopted in 2005 was said to be mostly formulated between years 2000 to 2005, and has not been updated with data collected for the past 15-20 years. Updates