May 25, 2020

Adam Szymczak, Senior Planner
City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210
Windsor, ON
N9A 6S1

Re: Addendum to Planning Justification Report Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment 3175, 3195, 3215 Banwell Road Responsive Group Inc. Windsor, ON

Our File: RPV/LON/18-01

Zelinka Priamo Ltd. is pleased to provide an addendum to the January 31, 2020 Planning Justification Report that was submitted in support of an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application and Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA) application for the above noted lands to permit a residential care facility. This addendum is provided to reflect changes to the conceptual development plan as proposed by our client and owner of the subject lands, The Responsive Group Inc., and to address the updated 2020 Provincial Policy Statement, which came into effect May 1, 2020.

Revised Conceptual Plan

The original conceptual plan submitted in the OPA and ZBA applications is shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Original Conceptual Site Plan (excerpt)