The revised concept plan is shown below in Figure 2:

Figure 2 – Revised Conceptual Site Plan (excerpt)

The revised concept shows an 'H' layout, as opposed to the modified'E' layout of the original plan. This revised building layout responds to both the operational needs of the proposed residential care home, and provides a much stronger streetscape presence along Banwell Road. The architectural qualities and design theme of the building, as shown in Figure 8 of the January 21 Planning Justification Report, are to remain generally unchanged.

The east wing of the building, facing Banwell Road, addresses the Banwell Road streetscape and provides a human-scale building close to the street edge. The proposed setback along Banwell Road is 3.5m at the closest point, allowing for a landscaped area between the building and the right-of-way. By locating a significant portion of the building towards Banwell Road, the west wing (at the rear of the site) can be reduced in length, thereby interfacing with fewer single detached dwellings to the rear.

Amenity space for the building's residents has been relocated internal to the site, and not directly exposed to Banwell Road. This arrangement provides for a more private and sheltered amenity space which will contribute to the quality of the development. A walking trail for residents is proposed along the west side (rear) of the building. It is noted that the walking trail will be buffered from the abutting single detached dwellings by the existing wood fence along the west lot line.

The revised concept maintains two vehicular accesses, one from Banwell Road, and one from the future Palmetto Street intersection. The intent of the two accesses is to separate staff and operational vehicles (e.g. truck deliveries) from resident and visitor vehicles; residents and visitors will utilize the south driveway off Palmetto Street. The