revised concept reduces the exposure of the service area to Banwell Road while maintaining separation from the single detached dwellings to the west.

A revised Traffic Impact Study to provide further justification for a full-turns access on Banwell Road, and to provide analysis demonstrating the safe operation of the driveway, will be submitted to the City shortly.

Overall, the revised concept plan remains appropriate for the development of the subject lands.


The 2020 Provincial Policy Statement ('PPS') took effect May 1, 2020, and replaces the 2014 PPS. All land use decisions are required to be consistent with the 2020 PPS.

Below is an analysis of revised PPS policies which are applicable to the present OPA and ZBA applications. Where the applications remain consistent with minor policy updates, no discussion is required or provided below.Policies that are not applicable to the applications are not discussed.

Section 1.1.1 has been amended to broaden the language permitting residential land uses, including "affordable and market-based"criteria. Notably, the wording applicable to the proposed use, being "housing for older persons" has not changed. The applications are not materially affected by these changes.

Section 1.1.1.e) provides greater clarity in planning for intensification and infrastructure. The proposed development is consistent with this policy by planning for the Banwell Road improvements and consulting with City of Windsor transportation staff regarding vehicular access.

Section 1.1.2 has been revised to increase the time horizon for land needs planning from 20 to 25 years. The proposed OPA to re-designate the subject lands is unlikely to affect the overall residential land supply of the City of Windsor, regardless of the 20 or 25-year time horizon.

A number of policies have been updated to reflect climate change, requiring that all land use decisions prepare for impacts of climate change. The proposed development is consistent with these policy updates by providing a modernized, efficient form of specialized housing on a site which will be designed to accommodate up-to-date stormwater management systems and infrastructure.

While providing additional consideration for the permission of residential uses to include "demographic changes and employment opportunities", Section 1.4.3.b).1 continues to require the permission of housing for "special needs requirements", which includes residential care facilities. As such the proposed applications remain consistent with this policy.