Full municipal services are available. The applicant has submitted a Functional Servicing Report (FSR) which is supported by Public Works. The FSR proposes to use the existing 1050 mm storm sewer on Banwell Road as the outlet for this site at a release rate of 38 L/s. Public Works confirms that this release rate is adequate. The servicing study, together with site servicing drawings will need to be finalized to the satisfaction of Public Works, and the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) prior to the issuance of construction permits. The satisfaction of this criteria will be administered during site plan control. Open spaces are available in the area and there will be outdoor spaces on the subject parcel for facility residents to use.

The proposed development satisfies the location criteria of the Residential land use designation.

The proposed long-term care facility is classified as a large-scale Low Profile housing development under Section (a), a permitted use in the Residential land use designation (Section The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses (Section (c)) and no deficiencies in municipal physical services and emergency services have been identified (Section (e)). The proposed development conforms to the policies in Sections and of the Official Plan.

The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). Transportation Planning identified some issues with the TIS and the applicant is revising the TIS. They also note that overall, TIS establishes that the traffic impact of the propose development can be accommodated by the road network.

The TIS notes that the “two parking areas are proposed to be kept separate without an internal road connection, to isolate the movements of the facility patrons and visitors in the south area, from the service vehicle movements in the north area.” The revised conceptual plan reinforces the separation of the two parking areas. It also provides a direct connection from the facility to the proposed multi-use trail on the west side of Banwell Road without requiring a pedestrian or cyclist to cross a driveway and deal with motor vehicle movements, including tractor-trailers and other large delivery vehicles.

Recent discussion between the Planning Division, Transportation Planning, the agent and the applicant sought clarification on the issues. The agent noted the possibility of introducing full movement to the north parking area. The Banwell Road EA indicates a left turn lane on the segment of Banwell Road between Palmetto and Tecumseh Road with part of the left turn lane being protected with a median towards Palmetto. The final design of the median and left lane is being finalized, so there may be an opportunity to accommodate full movements to avoid U-turns at the Banwell/Palmetto intersection.

Both the original and revised conceptual plans eliminate the pedestrian/motor vehicle conflict, which is a worthy safety objective, given the nature of the proposed facility. It also provides a continuous landscaped area adjacent to Banwell Road, which, from an urban design perspective is encouraged. The Planning Division does not oppose a separate driveway access to the north parking area.