The proposed long-term care facility represents a form of intensification that will expand the range and mix of housing options in the surrounding area. It will facilitate the municipality’s ability to accommodate residential growth through intensification, will provide a form of housing that is appropriate in terms of range and mix, and will meet the social, health and well being of current and future residents. Appropriate levels of infrastructure, active transportation, and transit are available or will be available.

The amendments are consistent with PPS Policy 1.4.

The amendments to allow a long-term care facility are consistent with the overall policy direction of the PPS.

Official Plan:

Relevant excerpts from the Official Plan are attached as Appendix C.

The subject property is located within the Forest Glade Planning District and is designated Commercial Corridor on Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan. The applicant is requesting an amendment in the Land Use designation from Commercial Corridor to Residential.

Objective supports a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods. Objective seeks to promote compact neighbourhoods and balanced transportation systems. Objective seeks to promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives.

The proposed long-term care facility represents a complementary and compact form of housing and intensification that is near sources of transportation. It is a replacement for a smaller facility located directly across the street. The proposed development satisfies the objectives set out in Section 6.3.1 of the Official Plan.

The locational criteria of Section require residential development to have access to an arterial road, be provided with full municipal services, be provided with public transit, and adequate community services and open spaces are available or planned.

The parcel is located on a Class II Arterial Road (Banwell Road) that provides access to an Expressway to the south (EC Row Expressway) and to an east-west Class II Arterial Road to the north, Tecumseh Road East. Public transit is available on Banwell Road.