No major concerns regarding traffic generation have been identified. Any improvements or restrictions identified in a revised TIS will be considered during site plan review. The revised conceptual site plan indicates an adequate amount of off-street parking. The proposed location of the building provides excellent pedestrian access.

Section lists guidelines when evaluating a proposed design. Site Plan Control is the appropriate tool to consider the guidelines.

When Official Plan Amendment 131 is approved, the requested zoning amendment will conform to the Zoning Amendment Policies, Section and, of the Official Plan and conform to the general direction of the Official Plan.

Zoning By-Law:

Relevant excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600 are attached as Appendix D.

The applicant requested an amendment from Holding Commercial District 2.1 (HCD2.1) and S.20(1)181 to Residential 3.14 (RD3.14) and site specific exceptions for certain yard depths and widths. Any land zoned RD3.7 or higher usually applies to a specific parcel in the City. Staff recommend the creation of a new RD3 zoning district – RD3.20 – that provides some flexibility for the developer, while placing appropriate restrictions on the proposed development.

Permitted uses will be a Lodging House and a Residential Care Facility. This will allow the operator to provide a flexible range of services or level of care from independent living to assisted living.

Lot frontage and lot area are as existing. Lot coverage and landscaped open space yard are typical for this type of development. Main building height is the same as in the current CD2.1 zoning and will allow for the construction of 3-storey building. Section 5.35 exempts mechanical penthouses from the maximum building height provision. The front yard depth, rear yard depth and side yard widths are based on conceptual site plan. For reference purposes, parking areas are required to be a minimum of 3.0 m from a street. The rear yard depth and side yard width are within the typical range for this type of development. The current CD2.1 and S.20(1)H181 zoning, which permits residential above the first storey, has no yard setbacks.

The applicant indicates that 48 parking spaces, 6 bicycle parking spaces and two loading spaces are required. A total of 142 parking spaces (for staff and visitors) and two loading spaces are shown on the revised conceptual plan. All other provisions in Zoning By-law 8600 including the General Provisions in Section 5, the Parking, Loading and Stacking Provisions in Section 24 and the Parking Area Provisions in Section 25 will also apply.

The various requirements of municipal departments and external agencies are best implemented and/or incorporated during the site plan review process.

Risk Analysis: