The proposed development is in keeping with the Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines, in terms of siting and scale, use of materials, proportion, height and built form, profile and selection of materials. Assurance that the proposal will conform to Section 2.0 of the Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines will be carried out through the Site Plan Control process and approvals.

Exemption to Demolition Control By-law 20-2007

The existing (1) storey single unit detached dwelling located at 3311 Peter Street is currently vacant and is best described to be in ‘Poor’ condition resulting from fire damage. Based on a visual inspection of the building exterior conducted by Building Department staff in December 2018, the dwelling has been observed to have extensive fire damage, including structural openings in the roof, soffit, and exterior walls. As a result, an Order to Repair (#18-169009) was issued by the Building Department under the City’s Property Standards By-law 147-2011. To date, the dwelling has been properly secured with boarding at all openings to address the safety concerns, however repairs to the defects identified in the Order to Repair remain outstanding as the owner intends to demolish the dwelling and redevelop the site.

Section 3 of the Demolition Control By-law states that “ person shall demolish the whole or any part of any residential property in the area of demolition control unless the person is the holder of a demolition permit issued by the council...” The decision to issue (or not issue) a demolition permit is at City Council’s sole discretion.

Section 5 of the Demolition Control By-law states that “Council shall, on an application for a demolition permit, issue a demolition permit where a building permit has been issued to erect a new building on the site of the residential property to be demolished” Section 6 states that a demolition permit may be issued on the following conditions:

(a) That the applicant for the demolition permit construct and substantially complete the new building to be erected on the site of the residential property to be demolished by not later than such date as may be determined by Council, provided, however, that such date is not less than two years from the day demolition of the existing residential property is commenced;

(b) that, on failure to complete the new building within the time specified in the permit issued under Section 5, the Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collectors roll, to be collected in like manner as municipal taxes, such sum of money as may be determined by Council but not in any case to exceed the sum of twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit contained in the residential property in respect of which the demolition permit is issued, and such sum shall, until payment thereof, be a lien or charge upon the land in respect of which the permit to demolish the residential property is issued.

The applicant has indicated in their application that they intend to construct a one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite that meets the intent of the Sandwich CIP Urban Design Guidelines. Processing this application is consistent