with the recommendation of the Sandwich CIP regarding continuing to process Demolition Control By-law exemption requests.

The plan to demolish the existing one (1) storey single unit detached dwelling and to replace it by constructing a one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite is also in keeping with Section 1.27.12, Vol. II of the City’s Official Plan regarding Demolition within the Olde Sandwich Towne Community Improvement Plan (CIP) area. The applicant will be required to submit the following prior to obtaining a Building Permit to demolish:

  1. a plan for redevelopment in conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements (all plans will be reviewed to ensure compliance the Official Plan and Zoning By-law),

  2. an executed Site Plan Control Agreement ; and

  3. appropriate securities to ensure the redevelopment occurs within a specified time period and to fulfill the conditions of the Site Plan Control Agreement

Demolishing the existing one (1) storey single unit detached dwelling to construct a larger one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite provides additional residential units, improved living spaces for residents, and a visual enhancement to the neighbourhood. The proposed improvements are consistent with the intent of the Demolition Control By-law.

Sandwich Incentive Program

The proposal is located within Target Area 3 of the Sandwich CIP Area and eligible for the following Incentive programs. The eligible costs for each incentive program are based on the costs estimates provided by the applicant, as the project is implemented these costs could fluctuate slightly which could have a minor impact on the eligible costs for each incentive program. The application is consistent with the general program requirements identified in Section 10.3 of the CIP, and with the following program specific requirements:

Development and Building fees Grant Program

The purpose of the program is to provide an additional incentive to augment the other incentive programs and to facilitate and spur adaptive re-use, redevelopment and new construction. The program provides a grant equal to 100% of the fees paid for the eligible types of development applications and building permits. The applicant is required to apply for the following applications and pay the following fees which are eligible under this program: