On June 17, 2013 Council also received the Development Review Process for development applications within the Sandwich Heritage Conservation District (HCD) area, and within the Sandwich Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Area (outside of the Sandwich HCD Area) (M264-2013).


On December 12, 2019, Julie Touma part principal of one of the registered owners (from 1603965 Ontario Ltd.), who is the applicant under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the property located at 3311 Peter Street (See Appendix ‘A’ for location map), applied under the Sandwich Incentive Program for the purpose of constructing a one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite. The owner has also applied for an exemption under Demolition Control By-law 20-2007 to demolish the existing (1) storey single unit (according to Tax Assessment information) detached dwelling located at 3311 Peter Street.

The property is located within the Olde Sandwich Towne Community Improvement Plan (Sandwich CIP) area, and for the purpose of financial incentives, located within Target Area 3. As per recent inspections conducted by the Building Department, the subject property is in poor condition with extensive damage resulting from a fire, including structural openings in the roof, soffit, and exterior walls. The property has also been identified as being within an area of High Archaeological Potential, however an Archaeological Study will not be required given the scope of the proposed redevelopment. The property is located outside of the Sandwich Heritage Conservation District (HCD).

One of the general requirements of Section 10.3 q) of the Sandwich CIP requires that approval of any application for the financial incentive program is based on the compatibility of the proposed use with the vision and goals of the CIP, the Sandwich Community Planning Study (CPS), and the Olde Sandwich Towne Supplemental Development and Urban Design Guidelines (Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines) and any other guidelines applicable to the CIP area. The following identifies how this particular development addresses section 10.3 (q) of the CIP.

Sandwich Vision and Design Guidelines

The Sandwich CIP and CPS

The construction of the proposed building located at 3311 Peter Street is consistent with the Vision and Goals for Sandwich Town and addresses the following goals from the Sandwich CIP which were derived through the Sandwich CPS process:

Appearance and Community Image—the demolition of the existing single unit residential dwelling will provide sufficient lot coverage to construct a one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite. This development will provide an opportunity to attract new residents to the area and also improve the visual appearance of the neighbourhood. The proposal will also provide additional residential units while conforming to the neighbourhood character.

Sandwich CIP Urban Design Guidelines