DESIGN following guidelines shall be considered when evaluatingGUIDELINESthe proposed design of a Business Park development:

  1. the ability to achieve the associated policies as outlined in the Urban Design chapter of this Plan;

  2. the massing and scale of buildings, and the extent to which their orientation, form and siting help to enhance the well landscaped setting of the business park;

  3. the provision of functional and attractive signage;

  4. the provision of appropriate landscaping or other buffers to enhance:

    1. all parking lots, and outdoor loading and service areas; and

    2. the separation between the use and adjacent sensitive uses, where appropriate;

  5. motorized vehicle access is oriented in such a manner that business park related traffic will be discouraged from using Local Roads where other options are available;

  6. loading bays and service areas are located to avoid conflict between pedestrian circulation, service vehicles and movement along the public right-of-way;

  7. pedestrian and cycling access is accommodated in a manner which is distinguishable from the access provided to motorized vehicles and is safe and convenient; and

  8. the design of the development encourages and/or accommodates public transportation services.