1. the business park use can be sufficiently separated and/or buffered from sensitive land uses;

  2. the site will be accessible and highly visible from Controlled Access Highway or a Class I or Class II Arterial Road;

  3. full municipal physical services can be provided;

  4. business park related traffic can be directed away from residential areas;

  5. public transportation service can be provided; and

  6. there is access to designated truck routes.

EVALUATION CRITERIA the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed business parkdevelopment is:
  1. feasible having regard to the other provisions of this Plan, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines and support studies for uses:

    1. within or adjacent to any area identified on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas and described in the Environment chapter of this Plan;

    2. adjacent to sources of nuisance, such as noise, odour, vibration and dust;

    3. within a site of potential or known contamination;

    4. where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern; and

    5. adjacent to sensitive land uses and/or heritage resources.

  2. in keeping with the goals, objectives and policies of any secondary plan or guideline plan affecting the surrounding area;

  3. capable of being provided with full municipal physical services and emergency services;