Explain how the application conforms to the City of Windsor Official Plan.  

The subject land is designated residential on Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan. The surrounding properties North, South and Eastare also designated residential. The proposed zoning amendment meetsthe objectives set out in Section 6.3.1 of the Official Plan to support a complimentary range of housing forms and to promoteselective residential infill and intensification. This application promotes compact neighborhoods which encouragea balancedtransportation system (, and it steps forward to promoteselective residential redevelopment,infill and intensificationinitiatives.

The proposed zoning amendmentalso meets the policies set out in Section 6.3.2 of the Official Plan to permit low, medium and high-profile dwelling units. The proposed multi-unit dwelling is a low- profile housing developmentand this designation includes small scale formsconsisting of single detached, semi detached, townhomeand multiple dwellings with up to 8 units.

Specifically, the proposed developmentis consistent with the following policies foundin the Official Plan: