proportion, with a frame that is similar in color, or can be painted. to match other windows.
If a door or window that has a decorative transom must be replaced with new, make every effort to preserve at least the transom at the top of the door or window opening.
993 Paint Colour
- Avoid painting brick and masonry, unless it is already painted. If removal of existing paint is contemplated, use appropriate chemical strippers with caution. Do not sandblast painted brick or masonry surfaces as a means of paint removal.
Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines
5. Use building styles for new buildings that reflect the historic character and theme of Olde Sandwich Towne and are a “main street' type with commercial or similarly active uses on the ground floor.
6. Ensure that building facades:
Are constructed from high-quality traditional building materials (brick, stone, wood, etc.) that are appropriate for the desired historic character of Sandwich;
Provide variety and interest on all sides that are visible from streets and public walkways; and
Have large ground floor display windows at grade.
7. Design at-grade building entrances to be prominent features that are clearly defined through the use of architectural features, materials, lighting, canopies, signage, and similar treatments and that are universally accessible.