Site specific features of the application.  

The rear propertyline of this municipal address backson to a residential ally that is heavily used by vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Redevelopment on other properties in the 900 block of California use this ally for primary vehicular access and utilize it as their parking aisle. Therefore, this application proposesa useoftheally that has already been reviewed and approvedbyplanning, building, committee and counsel.

Theally in turn abuts land designated in Schedule D: Land Use Official Plan, as major institutional. This application will serve to pull the institutions attendees out of the surrounding residential neighborhoodsand place them directly next to the institutionitself. This type of application and moreimportantly location, serves to address manyof the concernslevied bythoseliving in the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Furthermore, the application is supported by existing developmentboth North, SouthandEastofits location.

From safety view, the rear of the property will be facing the currently under construction athletic facility expansion at the University. The proposed entrancetothis building will be less than 100 feet awayfrom the application’s rear property line. Therefore, the area will be well lit and patrolled regularly by campuspolice.

Finally, the proposed developmentwill blend in with current redevelopmentin the area quite well and will transform an inefficient land use in its current form. Rear yard parkingis utilized byall propertiesin this block of California, therefore, the proposed access to the property from the ally wouldn’t appear to be an anomaly but would in fact conform to the surrounding use of rear yards.