Explain how the amendmentto the zoning bylaw is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement?

The proposed amendmentis consistent with the policy direction of the Provincial Policy Statement 2014in that it promotesan efficient developmentandland use pattern, accommodates an appropriate mix of residential uses, represents an efficient use of land and resources, minimizes land consumption and servicing costs and promotes appropriate residential intensification.

Specifically, the proposed developmentsatisfies the following sections of the PPS.

Policy 1.1.1, relating to sustaining healthy, liveable and safe communities. The proposed developmentis compatible with the neighboringlands andwill fit within the current neighborhood landscape. Located near the University of Windsor, parks and schools, as well as a transit route, the proposed development will provide opportunities for residents,ofall abilities to access other areas of the City of Windsor.

Policy 1.1.2, relating to land availability. The PPS encourages an appropriate range and mix of housing types and densities required to meet projected requirementsof current and future residentsof the regional market (PPS 1.4.1). The proposed developmentis a low-density residential dwelling, which will provide additional needed housing options to the residents of the City of Windsor.

Policy 1.1.3, relating to settlement areas. With the location already within an existing neighborhood, next to the University of Windsor and open space/parkland,therewill be efficiencies in development and infrastructure costs.

Policy 1.2.6, relating to land use compatibility. This application proposesto establish a permitted and compatible land use on the subject land whichis located on lands currently designated Residential in the City of WindsorOfficial Plan. Therefore, no Official Plan Amendmentis required for the proposed development.

Policy 1.5, relating to healthy, active communities. The subject site is located within walking distance of existing transit routes and is adjacentto an existing sidewalk network that connects to Wyandotte Street West, Huron Church Road and Tecumseh Road West, which would promote a healthy,active community that facilitates active transportation and community connectivity.

Policy 1.7, relating to long-term economic prosperity. The proposed development promotes opportunities for economic developmentand investmentwithin the City of Windsor.It also optimizes the use ofvacant lands within the subjectsite.

Policy 1.8, relating to energy conservation, air quality and climate change. The proposed development promotes compactform, and enables the use ofpublic transportation andtransit access to the subject site, as well as the surrounding area.