Filed: 2020-09-03
Exhibit A
Tab 2
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clearance or disposition of amounts recorded in certain deferral or variance accounts. The annual review and disposition of deferral and variance accounts is consistent with the process applied for each of the Utilities during their previous 2014-2018 Incentive Rate (“IR”) terms.
Earnings Sharing
4. In the MAADs Decision, the Board approved, among other things, an asymmetrical earnings sharing mechanism (“ESM”) during the deferred rebasing period, where each year any earnings in excess of 150 basis points over the Board-approved return on equity (“ROE”) would be shared 50/50 between the Utilities and ratepayers.
5. In 2019, Enbridge Gas’s actual utility earnings did not exceed the Board-approved ROE by more than 150 basis points. Accordingly, no ESM amount is proposed to be shared with ratepayers.
EGD Rate Zone
6. As approved in the MAADs Decision and the 2019 Rates Case (EB-2018-0305), Enbridge Gas has maintained substantially the same deferral and variance accounts for the EGD rate zone as during its 2014-2018 Custom IR term.
7. Enbridge Gas seeks approval to clear the final balances of certain EGD rate zone deferral and variance accounts for 2019 as set out at Exhibit C, Tab 1, Schedule 1.
Union Rate Zones
- 8. As approved in the MAADs Decision and the 2019 Rates Case (EB-2018-0305), Enbridge Gas has maintained substantially the same deferral and variance accounts for the Union rate zones as during its 2014-2018 IR term.