Filed: 2020-09-03
Exhibit A
Tab 2
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IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Energy Board Act,

1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Schedule. B);

AND IN THE MATTER OF an Application by Enbridge Gas Inc. for an order or orders clearing certain commodity and non-commodity related deferral or variance accounts.


  1. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (referred to in the evidence as “EGD”, “Enbridge” or the “Company”) and Union Gas Limited (referred to in the evidence as “Union” or the “Company”) (together the “Utilities”) were Ontario corporations incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario carrying on the business of selling, distributing, transmitting and storing natural gas within the meaning assigned in the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the “Act”). In the August 30, 2018 EB-2017-0306/0307 Decision and Order (the “MAADs Decision”), the Ontario Energy Board (the “Board”) approved the amalgamation of the Utilities, as well as a five-year deferred rebasing term during which a price cap ratesetting model would apply.

  2. Effective January 1, 2019 the Utilities amalgamated to become Enbridge Gas Inc.

    (“Enbridge Gas”). Following amalgamation, Enbridge Gas has maintained the existing rates zones of EGD and Union (the EGD, Union North West, Union North East and Union South rate zones). 1 Enbridge Gas has also maintained most of the existing deferral and variance accounts for each rate zone.

  3.  Enbridge Gas, the Applicant, hereby applies to the Board, pursuant to Section 36 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the “Act”), for an Order or Orders approving the

1 Collectively the Union North West, Union North East and Union South rates zones are referred to as “Union rate zones”. Union North West and Union North East are collectively referred to as “Union North”.