Filed: 2020-09-03
Exhibit A
Tab 2
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9. Enbridge Gas seeks approval to clear the final balances of certain Union rate zones deferral and variance accounts for 2019 as set out at Exhibit C, Tab 1, Schedule 1.

Enbridge Gas Inc.

10.The Board has approved several deferral and variance accounts that relate to Enbridge Gas as a whole (and not to specific rate zone(s)). These accounts are listed at Exhibit C, Tab 1, Schedule 1.

11. Enbridge Gas seeks approval to clear part of the final balance of one 2019 Enbridge Gas deferral and variance account related to accounting policy changes required as a result of amalgamation. The balance in this account related to pension expense is not being requested for clearance in 2019.

Relief Requested

12. Enbridge Gas therefore applies to the Board for such final, interim or other orders as may be necessary or appropriate for the clearance or disposition of the 2019 deferral and variance accounts listed in Exhibit C, Tab 1, Schedule 1. The proposed manner of disposition is described at Exhibit F. Enbridge Gas proposes to clear the balances in these accounts in conjunction with the January 1, 2021 QRAM application

13.Enbridge Gas requests that this proceeding be heard in writing.

14.Enbridge Gas further applies to the Board pursuant to the provisions in the Act and the Board’s Rules of Practice and Procedure for such final, interim or other Orders and directions as may be appropriate in relation to the Application and the proper conduct of this proceeding.

15.This Application is supported by written evidence. This evidence may be amended from time to time as required by the Board, or as circumstances may require.