November 23, 2020
City Council Meeting Item 8.4
Additional Information

From: Drew MacNeil

Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 10:53 AM

To: clerks<>

Subject: File No: SW/12983 re: Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan; Agenda item 8.4

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Good Morning,

In regards to Agenda item 8.4 for Nov 23, 2020 Council Meeting:

I would like to state my opposition to the proposed pumping station at St. Rose and Riverside Drive East location that is part of this plan.

I feel this would destroy the precious greenspace and natural beauty of our waterfront in our city. Each day I observe families and children appropriately using this park. I have concerns that by installing a pumping station in this location it will restrict access to greenspace for those who enjoy this location. We already have an example of a horrendously ugly pumping station at St. Paul that has ruined greenspace.

I ask that alternative locations be explored, such as at Miracle Park rather than continuing to destroy what little greenspace we have left along the waterfront.

Additionally, I find it disgraceful that notice of how to oppose this plan was provided to me with only approximately 24 hours prior to the deadline to respond. I can only interpret such actions as an intentional tactic to unfairly minimize the voice of those who oppose this.

Thank you for your consideration,

DJ MacNeil