November 23, 2020
City Council Meeting Item 8.4
Additional Information

From: Heather MacNeil

Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 11:25 AM

To: clerks <>

Subject: File No: SW/12983 re: Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan; Agenda item 8.4

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Good morning,

I am writing in regards to Agenda item 8.4 for Nov 23, 2020 Council Meeting:

I would like to state my opposition to the proposed pumping station at St. Rose and Riverside Drive East location that is part of this plan.

The greenspace is a precious and valuable resource. Once this greenspace is built upon, it is gone and cannot be reclaimed. Windsor is known for it’s beautiful waterfronts and respected for his protection of such beautiful spaces. Each day I observe families and children appropriately using this park. During the pandemic we have seen the trend of people recognizing the importance of nature and greenspace in preserving and healing their mental health. I have concerns that by installing a pumping station in this location it will restrict access to greenspace for those who enjoy this location.

Many local business such as coffee shops and cafes have used the waterfront as a way to continue to create opportunities for families to have an outing in a safe place. An outing to grab an ice cream or coffee, to support a local business and to reconnect with loved ones.

I ask that alternative locations be explored, such as at Miracle Park rather than continuing to destroy what little greenspace we have left along the water. I feel that the community would welcome alternative plans presented. The community is strong and pulls together in wonderful ways to raise funds, protect the community, and look out for one another.


Heather MacNeil