2016 $20,019.65
2017 $51,194.41
2018 $83,383.07
2019 $45,671.87

As of the date of this report, the cumulative total of waived fees and grants already approved for 2020, to be charged to Waiver of Fees and Grant Dept ID 0131691 is approximately $38,048 (for Canada Day Parade, Santa Claus Parade and Swimming Canada).

Should the grant-in-lieu of fees request from Habitat be approved, the $46,865.43 will be charged to the Waiver of Fees and Grant Funding Dept. ID 0131691. There is no budget amount allocated within the 2020 budget for the provision of Waiver of Fees/Grant Funding; any approved amounts will affect the City's year end surplus/deficit. Given the recommendations in this report, and the noted historical deficit in this line item, Administration will bring forward for the 2021 Operating Budget a request to establish a budget amount that will be used to fund the waiver requests.

Habitat for Humanity has reported the social return on investment for households that participate in their program include the reduction in the financial and supports needed through social assistance programs and the benefit to the local economy by paying municipal taxes.


Don Nantais – Financial Planning Administrator


The Waiver of Fees & Grant Funding Policy was developed to provide guidelines relative to evaluating requests for waiver of fees or grant funding requests of the City. Though the Habitat request falls outside of the policy guidelines and criteria utilized to evaluate requests, Council has typically approved grant requests related to affordable housing. Given the significant community need for affordable housing and the benefits achieved from this build program, administration is recommending approval of this request.

It is further recommended that Habitat for Humanity be included in the waiver-of-fees and grant Permanent Listing of grants for permit fees, development and related fees to