F. Isabelle Tunks notes in terms of local improvements, property owners are assessed and pay 100% of the cost.
Discussion ensues regarding if consideration can be given to allowing property owners to pay their assessed portion on their municipal taxes over 20 years rather than the current 10 years.
6. Decision of the Court of Revision
Moved by Councillor Francis, seconded by Councillor Sleiman, That the report of Rood Engineering Inc., Consulting Engineers dated September 10, 2019 entitled "Cahill Drain – Upper Part – Geographic Township of Sandwich West, City of Windsor" BE RECEIVED, and further, that Administration BE REQUESTED to review financial options to allow for an extension of five (5) to ten (10) years for the cost of drainage repairs to be added to the property owners municipal taxes. Carried.
In terms of next steps, G. Rood reports owners may submit an appeal to the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal through the City Clerk within 21 days of the closing of the Court of Revision.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:50 o'clock a.m.