Summary of procedures & results

Allegation #1

The City of Windsor is promoting a US based company to provide insurance on our Water/Sewer connections. The company is US based and Canadian in name only.

Procedures and results:

# Procedure Results
1.1 Is there such a program? If so, how is the program structured? IA inquired with management regarding the above noted program. Management indicated that such an arrangement does exist and management has posted detailed information on CoW’s website.
IA reviewed CoW website and noted that the City is offering an optional Service Line Warranty program to homeowners, and participation is optional and voluntary for homeowners in Windsor. The website states that Service Line Warranties Of Canada (SLWC) is a private company that provides optional water and/or wastewater warranty plans to homeowners. This is not a City program, but rather SLWC is a program partner with the City.
1.2 Was the basis and options for entering into the arrangement made brought to and approved by the City Council? IA inquired with management regarding the basis and options for entering into such an arrangement. Management indicated that SLWC approached the City of Windsor with the proposal of providing the sewer warranty services to homeowners in Windsor.Management conducted its research and investigation and found that SLWC has been providing such services to more than 30 municipalities across Ontario at that time,including the Town of Tecumseh. City also met with the City of Hamilton management and discussed the arrangement and reviewed the agreement between City of Hamilton and SLWC. Management also indicated that such a move was approved by the City Council.
IA also inspected the report to City Council S 2/2018 and noted that the City Council:
  • Endorsed the Local Authority Services (LAS) Sewer and Water Line Warranty Program offered to homeowners by Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC);
  • Directed Administration to promote the program through the City of Windsor’s various communication resources including the City’s website and social media sites;
  • Authorized the execution of an agreement with Service Line Warranties of Canada, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the
City Engineer, and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer.
1.3 Was the basis for entering into the arrangement and possibilities made publically available? IA reviewed the CoW website where the following topics regarding the program are posted:
  • Background information
  • Who is the Service Line Warranties of Canada?
  • Why has the City of Windsor chosen to work with SLWC to offer warranty plans?
  • Is this a City program?
  • Did the City provide customer info for the marketing letters?
  • Program details
  • Important information for Windsor residents regarding Private Sewer Replacement Program:
  • Are the warranty plans considered insurance?