We detected no evidence to support that "CoW should have advised citizens that they should inquire directly to their home owner insurance provider first, before promoting any external service provider". Management posted information advising homeowners to contact their existing insurance providers first to obtain such services. As the letter in question is from SLWC, with City agreement, the specific letter from SLWC is not likely the place for such a communication. The City website, where such information is currently located appears more appropriate. If the letter were issued by the City then such an approach may make more sense.

With regards to allegation #4 (The letters citizens receive appear to indicate that the City of Windsor is endorsing this company or that this company is somehow affiliated with the City) we noted that:

The City is endorsing SLWC's Water Line and Sewer Program for homeowners within Windsor. The City is not formally affiliated with this entity but is a program partner of SLWC.

With regards to allegation #5 (If you investigate the company's actual 'user complaints', here and in the USA, one can see that their service isn't that good) we noted that:

Complaints noted in our analysis appeared to be related to incorrect contact details in marketing letters, privacy concerns, concerns regarding City promoting other companies.

With regards to allegation #6 (The City of Windsor is getting a commission or kickback from SLWC based on citizen enrollment into the program. The financial arrangement is not disclosed. This is a hidden tax) we noted that:

As per agreement between CoW and SLWC, the City does have a financial arrangement, an alternative revenue source, with SLWC which will be paid annually to CoW as a percentage of revenue from warranty products collected from homeowners. This financial arrangement was made public via a report presented to the Council. In the future, the City may wish to make such references clearer in City or SLWC communications

With regards to allegation #7 (The City of Windsor has shared personal information with this company and that is not appropriate) we noted that:

We detected no evidence to support that the City of Windsor shared personally identifiable private information with SLWC.