• How to sign up (Contact details)

As witnessed from the topics, CoW has defined the basis of entering into such an arrangement with SLWC.
1.4 Is this City promoting a US based company? IA inquired with management whether City is promoting a US based company.Management indicated that as per the recommendations from the City Council, City is endorsing the Program offered to homeowners by Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC); and is also promoting the program through the City of Windsor’s various communication resources including the City’s website and social media platforms.
1.5 Is it inappropriate for the City to have dealings with a US based company of this nature? IA inquired management team regarding its intent and purpose to promote a US based company. Management indicated that Sewer and Water Line Services options are limited to the homeowners in Windsor other than those provided by the City of Windsor itself. When SLWC approached for endorsement, management considered its proposal and conducted its own research/investigation by inquiring with other municipalities for the services received. Based on assessing its reputation and credibility, a report to the Council was presented for approval.
1.6 Is the entity a US based company? What are the Canadian operations? How does this compare to other similar insurers? IA reviewed SLWC website and its parents company's website (US based) and noted that Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC), is an affiliate of Utility Service Partners Private Label, Inc. (USPPL). SLWC provides water and sewer line repair coverage and in-home plumbing repair services to Canadian homeowners. SLWC works with City officials to garner support for the program before introducing it to the community. The program offered by SLWC is not of insurance in nature but rather a warranty program in exchange of a fixed monthly fee and does not charge a deductible like insurance companies.

Conclusion: City is offering an optional Service Line Warranty program to homeowners, and participation is optional and voluntary for homeowners in Windsor. Service Line Warranties of Canada or SLWC is a private company that provides optional water and/or wastewater warranty plans to homeowners. It is an affiliate of Utility Service Partners Private Label, Inc. (USPPL) which is a US based entity.

Allegation #2:

The City of Windsor is spending money promoting an American company to provide a service that is readily available to homeowners through their standard home insurance coverage as a paid add on.

Procedures and results:

# Procedure Results
2.1 Is the City spending money on this program? IA inquired with management regarding funds spent by the City on this program. Management indicated that CoW is not spending any money to run this program.
IA inspected the CoW vendor master file to ensure SLWC was not listed in the system.
2.2 What costs has the City incurred with regards to this program? IA inquired with management regarding costs City has incurred for this program.Management indicated that its involvement has been limited to updating the CoW website regarding the SLWC program and providing one time assistance with reviewing and approving the content within the marketing letters used by SLWC.
2.3 Is the insurance expected to be available to homeowners through their standard home insurance as an option? IA inquired with management whether such options are available to homeowners through their standard home insurance. Management indicated that it has communicated to the homeowners via CoW website that if such an option is available to homeowners through their existing home insurance providers they should obtain such coverage should they wish to.