Information on disposal options is readily available to our customers through the Waste Collection Calendar, 311, the City's website and the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority's website. Additional education requirements are being reopened with the Town & Gown Committee.

Financial Im act

Historically, Environmental Services has spent in the range of $17,000-$30,000 (per year) on illegal dumpsite clean ups. These clean ups are done as staff and equipment are available and are either complaint driven or chronic based. In 2010, 15 calls were logged by 311 requesting this service. The department spent $17,000 cleaning those sites as well as the chronic sites.


In this scenario, a day (or several days) would be scheduled to conduct a curb side collection of bulky items. The frequency of these collections would depend on funding availability.

Disposal Options

Communication / Education

An extensive advertizing/promotion system would be required. Since the 2011 Waste Collection Calendar has already been finalized, consideration for this model would best be analyzed for 2012.

Financial Im act

Since the intent of offering this service would be to decrease the amount of illegal dumping, it would need to be offered frequently enough to be considered convenient. If collections are too far apart, it would be akin to the current level of service and therefore would have minimum impact on illegal dumping.