The City of Windsor has not offered curb side collection of bulky items for over 30 years. Our focus has been on the concept of "generator responsibility". This concept promotes waste diversion with minimal financial impact.
For items that cannot be broken down into manageable pieces less than 20 kgs., the following disposal options exist:
Disposal Options
- A) Public Drop Off Facility - Located at Central & E.C. Row North Service Road - This facility is user friendly, with minor tipping fees. The hours of operation are among the most competitive in the province; in the spring it is open 64 hours/week; in the summer 54 hours/week, and in the winter 45 hours/week.
- B) Other Organizations - Several organizations in the private sector are available to take bulky items at little or no cost. Examples include; Refrigerator Round-Up, charitable organizations, private haulers; furniture/appliance stores.
Communication / Education
The plan of action developed by the Compliance and Enforcement Unit, Building Department, in \ { dealing with the "University move-out" has been instrumental in educating property owners on proper disposal.
In 2010, 100% compliance was achieved from property owners during the University neighbourhood dirty yard blitz. Out of 83 work-orders issued over the course of a three week period on proactive inspections, compliance was obtained on all with none of the properties being found to be in non-compliance. That being said, there were no charges filed.
The Compliance and Enforcement plan of action was to have the properties that did not comply with work orders by the deadlines given, cleaned up by one of the awarded City tenders, Parker Construction, RKS Services, and Global Maintenance. Properties that were in violation after the expiration date would be served with a Court Summons as well as having their property cleaned.
The process for contracting out work is as follows:
- - The Compliance and Enforcement Officer will contract the work out to one of the three contractors approved by-way of a City tender to all property owners found to be in non compliance one day past the work-orders deadline. (on the 8th calendar day once received at the post office)
- - The Contractor, once finished with the clean-up, will send in an invoice outlining the work completed, number of staff required, hours works, rate, total and any additional fees such as an added weight scale fee.
- - The Compliance and Enforcement Officer will add an additional administration fine of $90.00 an hour as approved under section 429 (1) of the Ontario Municipal Act.