
Item No. 11.11

Council Report: C 205/2019

Subject: Active Transportation Master Plan Impact Analysis


Report Date: 11/29/2019 Clerk's File #: MT2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: THAT City Council DIRECT Administration to continue to include the cost of active transportation facilities in the project budgets for roads, sewers and parks for which the Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) has identified a need; and,

THAT City Council DIRECT Administration to continue to pursue grant funding opportunities for building active transportation facilities; and,

THAT City Council DIRECT Administration to continue to include active transportation facilities in future Development Charge studies to assist in funding the building of active transportation facilities; and,

THAT City Council APPROVE the change of the internal Bicycle Facilities Technical Committee to the Active Transportation Technical Committee (ATTC) and DIRECT the ATTC to develop a plan for the construction of the recommendations in the ATMP and provide an annual report to City Council on the facilities built that year as well as facilities included in the recommended annual capital budget along with corresponding costing including pertinent usage information for the network; and,

THAT City Council APPROVE the automation of the tracking, reporting and planning of cycling facilities, and that this be funded at an amount not to exceed $50,000 from the City-Wide Bikeway Development Initiatives project (7111031) should there be