insufficient funding in the Asset Management Service Delivery and Implementation project (7131117) for this work.

Executive Summary:

This report identifies a way forward to continue to include the recommendations from the Active Transportation Master Plan into the capital budget. This report identifies that there are several funding sources for cycling facilities including but not limited to grants, development charges, capital budget for specific bikeway development projects as well as capital budget funding included in larger road, sewer and/or parks projects.

The report also identifies that one of the shortfalls in the current capital budget presentation is that large projects, particularly for roads, sewers and/or parks, which include development of various cycling facilities and is not easily understood by the reader to include these investments. As such, this leads to miscommunication of the actual capital funding City Council has approved for cycling infrastructure. While this report cites several examples of projects which included investments in cycling, there is clearly a need to ensure these investments are more clearly communicated going forward.

The report also recommends that the internal Bicycle Facilities Technical Committee be changed to the Active Transportation Technical Committee (ATTC) expanding the scope to include both the sidewalk and cycling infrastructure recommendations in the ATMP. This internal group includes the various departments who will build and/or maintain these facilities. It also suggested that the group's role be expanded to ensure the planned projects are included in the capital budget, to pursue grant funding where appropriate, and to annually report on the progress of the ATMP to City Council. This report also summarizes the annualized per km cost of maintaining the expanded network. While it is a 20 year program, communication of this information is in line with City's Asset Management Policy and Plan, both components of O.Reg 588/17, and provides clarity and awareness of operational budget increases needed as the network is expanded in order to sustain it.

Finally, this report speaks to the need to automate the tracking and reporting of the cycling recommendations in the ATMP. These facilities are usually included as an attribute of a road once they are completed. This project would look to create a database of all the recommended cycling facilities and where appropriate link to the corresponding road segments. This will help readily identify these as assets with their own attributes such as type of facility, planned, constructed, usage and other valuable information unique to cycling facilities. Administration recommends leveraging the use of existing software tools to achieve this. This will result in more efficient and effective management of the program as well as better tools for reporting and forecasting.


At its July 22, 2019 Council Meeting, City Council received the Active Transportation Master Plan Final Report and approved the key principles around implementation of the Active Transportation Plan.