
January 13, 2020

Re: Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix

Dear Mr. Colucci,

Please let this letter serve as Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island's support for the continuation of the City of Windsor's sponsorship of the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix.

Detroit is a key visitor market for the Windsor region and this world-class signature race event provides Windsor to be front and centre to tens of thousands of race fans converging on Belle Isle on race weekend.

The Grand Prix is a branding exercise targeting our neighbours to the north, reminding them of the close proximity to us and raising awareness of the tourism amenities on the other side of the Detroit River.

The partnership with the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix allows Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island to market strategically the "Two Nation Destination" concept as we align with our colleagues at the Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau to provide concierge service to the hundreds of media in the named City of Windsor International Media Centre.

I recognize that it is difficult to quantify the benefits of visitation on that particular weekend, but want to remind the CAO that this is part of a yearlong effort to drive visitation - both day trip and overnight - to our region by reinforcing our presence on Belle Isle with yearlong advertising and social media support in other media vehicles. All working in tandem to put the Windsor region as a top of mind destination for this key demographic market.

If the City of Windsor sponsored a handful or even a couple of events on the US side it could be argued that it is unwarranted. Here, that is not the case. This is the one event that has been chosen for being a part of a strategic alliance with the movers and shakers in Detroit. It provides Windsor exposure to corporate executives, major broadcast media, government officials and potential tourists. It is a winning combination.

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island is pleased to execute the City of Windsor's sponsorship activation on their behalf and we hope to continue to do so into the future.


Gordon Orr Chief Executive Officer