
The noted Council question essentially asks for information on two topics:

A. An analysis of the perceived benefits of the City's $50,000 contribution; and B. An outline of the process by which proposals for funding events such as the Grand Prix Sponsorship are brought to Council for approval

A. An Analysis of the Perceived Benefits

A complete, detailed, statistically valid analysis of the exact empirically supported benefits of the Grand Prix is beyond the technical in house resources of the City of Windsor. To undertake such an analysis would require the retention of specialized consultants at very considerable costs. It is noted that given the many factors that influence tourism activity, even a detailed statistical study will be reliant on many assumptions and estimates. Council has not authorized such an expenditure. Therefore, the information provided in this report is based on anecdotal evidence, commentary from experts in the tourism industry (Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island, TWEPI), commentary from scholars that have looked at cross border tourism cooperation, and key beneficiaries of local tourism (Caesars Windsor Casino and Transit Windsor).

Comments from TWEPI

TWEPI is the regional organization that is dedicated to attracting tourists to Windsor. They have submitted the attached letter (Appendix A) indicating their strong support for the Grand Prix sponsorship. They indicate that a key foundation of their tourism strategy (as well as that of their Detroit counterparts) involves marketing the Windsor/Detroit area as a "Two Nation Destination". This a key tourism advantage for Windsor that differentiates the city from most other travel destinations in Canada.

In the noted letter they indicate that it is the only event that they sponsor in the key U.S. market:

"The partnership with the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix allows Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island to market strategically the "Two Nation Destination" concept as we align with our colleagues at the Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau to provide concierge service to the hundreds of media in the named City of Windsor International Media Centre. This is the one event that has been chosen for being a part of a strategic alliance with the movers and shakers in Detroit. It provides Windsor exposure to corporate executives, major broadcast media, government officials and potential tourists. It is a winning combination."

Selected Scholarly Publication

In the publication A Companion to Tourism published by Blackwell Publishing, Victor B. Teye (Associate Professor of Tourism and Coordinator of the Travel and Tourism Program at Arizona State University in the United States) and Dallen J. Timothy (Associate Professor at Arizona State University and Visiting Professor of Heritage