
Item No. 7.4

Council Report: C 10/2020

Subject: CQ 11-2019 Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Sponsorship (City Wide)


To: Mayor and Members of City Council

Recommendation: That the report "CQ 11-2019 Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Sponsorship" BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



This report is intended to respond to the following council question:

CQ 11-2019 - Asks that Administration provide Council with a report analyzing the economic impact of the Detroit Grand Prix in the City of Windsor. Included in the analysis should be specific data related to tourism activities that occurred in the City of Windsor during the Grand Prix timeframe as compared against other weekends. Among items to potentially consider should be, but not necessarily limited to hotel stays, casino visits, volume of cross border traffic and direct outreach to stakeholders such as Business Improvement Associations, advocacy groups and other businesses directly involved the hospitality sector to gauge the scope of the impact of the event in the City of Windsor. Further that Administration prepare a report that outlines the process by which funding proposals for events such as the Grand Prix and others that promote tourism and enhance quality of life are brought forward for Council consideration. This report should be completed and presented to Council prior to the 2020 budget deliberations