Tourism at Sunderland University, UK) write on the issue of Political Boundaries and Regional Cooperation in Tourism. The following are relevant excerpts from the publication:

"Local-level, cross-border networks are the fourth and final level of international cooperation. Despite political tradition dictating that cross-boundary partnerships are under the domain of central governments, not local administrators (Dupuy 1982; Gaines 1995), this form of collaboration is becoming more common today, and it is critical in areas where tourism activities take place at or near international boundaries...Hansen (1983) and Bufon (1994) stressed the importance of local international partnerships, which they suggested might be the forerunners to more official bilateral and multilateral agreements....Leimgruber (1989: 57) recognized that ''cooperation on a local scale on matters such as tourist promotion . . . effectively contributes to reduce the separative role of the boundary [because] the common problems in a peripheral region prevail over nationalist considerations.''

In summary they conclude most countries have begun to see the value of working together in many developmental areas, including tourism."

Comments from a Key Tourism Stakeholder (Caesars Windsor Casino, Transit Windsor)

Caesars Windsor Casino is a key Windsor stakeholder as they are the #1 tourism driver and one of the City's largest employers. They have submitted the attached letter (Appendix B) which is highly supportive of the Grand Prix and the City's sponsorship of the event. In part they write:

" The City's support of large scale events such as the Grand Prix that have a proven tourist draw enhance the appeal of Windsor and Caesars Windsor as an appealing destination in today's competitive environment."

Transit Windsor has also provided a letter of support (Appendix C) for the City's continued sponsorship of the Detroit Grand Prix. They indicate that they carried over 750 riders in 2019 to and from the event.

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