Route ATMP Priority Status GoodCandidate forAcceleration? Notes
Walker RoadMulti-modalCorridor High / Medium / Low (varies by segment) Initial Planning No Walker Road is also identified as a multi-modal corridor with a number of issues to be resolved before a bikeway can be designed and constructed.
St. Luke Road Medium Initial Planning Yes A bikeway connection at Wyandotte & St. Luke will help to facilitate bike travel into and out of Ford City, but will be of limited benefit for east-west travel along the corridor.
Drouillard Road High Initial Planning No The rail bridge and retaining walls at the Wyandotte/Drouillard intersection present a major barrier to connecting a bikeway to Wyandotte Street along Drouillard Road in the short term.
George Avenue High / Medium / Low (varies by segment) Initial Planning No Connecting this segment to a bikeway on Wyandotte Street is likely a longer-term project (see discussion under “Longer Term Projects – Wyandotte Street East” above)
Pillette Road Low Initial Planning No Extending existing bicycle lanes on Pillette Road will require upgrades to the VIA Rail grade crossing.