Route ATMP Priority Status GoodCandidate forAcceleration? Notes
Westminster Avenue Medium / Low (varies by segment) Initial Planning Potentially - See notes Between Wyandotte Street and Ontario Street or Raymond Street could be accelerated to provide a neighbourhood connection.Providing a new pedestrian and cyclist crossing on the VIA line (as envisioned by the ATMP) to connect further south will require negotiations with the railway and is likely not viable as a short-term project.
Jefferson Boulevard Low (in the vicinity of Wyandotte Street East) Initial Planning Potentially - See notes The ATMP identifies Jefferson Boulevard as a future AAA (“all ages and abilities”) cycl ing route.As an interim measure, painted bicycle lanes (non-AAA) could be provided on Jefferson by removing on-street parking.Providing a AAA cycling facility on Jefferson is likely a longer-term project.
Matthew Brady Boulevard Medium Initial Planning Yes Currently a signed cycling route (non-AAA). Can be upgraded to a local street bikeway (AAA).