We are Pamela and Randy Churchill residing at 3110 Lauzon Road, directly kitty corner from 3129 Lauzon.

We have lived at this location for 21 years.

I am submitting that we are opposed to the proposed rezoning of property at 3129 Lauzon Road from residential to commercial.


Commercial Trucks are not allowed on Lauzon Road, its not a commercial road. A commercial apartment complex should be built on a commercial road designed to handle an apartment complex and not be built on a residential road that cannot handle current traffic in a safe manner.

There is no sidewalk on the 3129 Lauzon West Side of the Street, there is only 1 sidewalk and it is on the East Side of Lauzon road which is heavily utilized by school children and families walking down Lauzon Rd.

Increased traffic congestion will be adding to an already dangerous situation on Lauzon Road, let me tell you the scenario.

All of the houses on Lauzon have driveways, there is no car parking on Lauzon Rd.

This requires neighbors to back out of their driveway onto Lauzon Road, stop the car, put it into gear and proceed safely, as we all know this takes time. Approaching cars from both ways are already at speeds of 50km or more making it very hard to just get out of our driveways safely, we have to wait, find or time an open gap in traffic to back out and move on, it’s an ongoing problem and not safe.

When you add 150 cars exiting an apartment complex within meters of other single-family dwelling residents, and note: these cars are exiting the apartment complex parking lot in a forward direction accelerating quickly to merge with traffic to ta ke advantage and fill any gaps in traffic, reduces opportunities for current residents to even back out of their own driveway, we all know that backing out and changing gears in our cars ta kes more time than just accelerating with traffic with oncoming traffic already at posted speeds or higher. Current residents will struggle to get out of their driveways.

Windsor Police have frequent radar speed traps on Lauzon Road, and oddly enough, the Police Radar unit sits at 3129 Lauzon Rd, and stays busy during the time they have been using radar. The Windsor Police recognize 3129 Lauzon as a hot spot for traffic citations, which emphasizes that Lauzon Road already has lots of traffic and excessive speeding already on Lauzon Road.

Traffic is already busy on Lauzon Road and getting busier all the time as the road is used for a bypass/shortcut to Canadian tire, Walmart, McDonald's, Burger King, Tecumseh Mall, WCFU Center, the new Cannabis Store just put up an alternative back ways leading into Riverside and Forest Glade.