December 11, 2020.

Submission To Development & Heritage Standing Committee by Tom Porter

File ZNG/6173, Item 7.6 on December 14, 2020 Agenda

I have been retained by Randy and Pamela Churchill, 31 10 Lauzon Road, to oppose the rezoning application of 25 16053 Ontario Limited concerning the property at 3129 Lauzon Road. My clients have submitted comments for your Committee's consideration(copy attached). They have lived across the street from the proposed development site for twenty-one years and they detail their history in the neighborhood. It is indisputable, on the basis of all of the planning reports and resident submissions to your Committee, that the area is a well-established neighborhood of single-family homes. The proposed development site, in fact, had only one single-family dwelling on the property for many years. While the Provincial Policy Statement may provide direction for infill development on underutilized vacant sites, the City of Windsor Official Plan directs that any infill development must be designed to function as an integral and complementary part of an area’s existing development pattern by having regard to massing, building height, architectural proportion, volumes of defined space, lot size, position relative to the road, building area to site ratios, overall massing, orientation, setback and exterior design the pattern, scale and character of existing development. The development proposal of 2516053

Ontario Limited is, in my opinion, in contravention of the Official Plan and fundamentally incompatible With the character of the surrounding neighborhood. The administrative reports that you have received highlight the large scale of the intended project in recommending necessary, further investigations (sewers, flooding, traffic, need for road conveyance, etc). This project can not possibly be “ gradually transitioned” into the neighborhood without adversely affecting the quality and character of a long-standing single-family residential neighborhood. The project would also be an unwelcome precedent for further, similar development applications that could ultimately be the demise of the existing neighborhood.

My clients have invested their money and their lives in their homes and are proud of and enjoy their neighborhood. They are simply requesting that the land use planning principles that they relied upon in choosing the neighborhood continue to be applied in any development applications to safeguard the quality and character of their community.


Thomas R. Porter

1501 McDoucALL STREET ' WINDSOR, ONTARIO N8X 3M9 . TELEPHONE (519) 258-0615 - FAX (519) 977-1173

BELLE RIVER Omen ' Box 279, UNIT 4, 473 Norm: DAME STREET . BELLE RIVER, ONTARIO NOR 1A0 . TELEPHONE (519) 728-2912 -