From: CP Proximity-Ontario < >

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 2:12 PM

To: clerks < >

Subject: RE: File SDN/6094; 3638-3738 Howard Ave - Draft Plan of Subdivision

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Good Afternoon,

RE: File SDN/6094; 3638-3738 Howard Ave - Draft Plan of Subdivision

Thank you for the recent notice respecting the captioned development proposal in the vicinity of Canadian Pacific Railway Company.

CP’s approach to development in the vicinity of rail operations is encapsulated by the recommended guidelines developed through collaboration between the Railway Association of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Those guidelines are found at the following website address:

The safety and welfare of residents can be adversely affected by rail operations and CP is not in favour of residential uses that are not compatible with rail operations. CP freight trains operate 24/7 and schedules/volumes are subject to change.

Should the captioned development proposal receive approval, CP respectfully requests that the recommended guidelines be followed.

Thank you,

CP Proximity Ontario