From: Bonnie Winchar
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 11:17 AM
To: clerks < >
Subject: File number ZNG/6187 Z-28/20

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This is regarding the rezoning of 1004 Pearson Ave from Green Space to residential. I live on Beverly Glen St and watch many neighbors walking their pets and walking with strollers and little kids all day long. Since Coco has added over 100 homes to this area, a lot of families have joined this neighborhood. I wasn’t aware this lot was designated Green Space but I love the idea of it.

It would be a place for Neighbours to meet and get their families and pets safely off the street. We have nowhere to go at the backend of the subdivision. The Little River walkways are too far away for small families to walk to. Having a safe spot back here would be ideal. I can see it encouraging Neighbourhood gatherings like block parties, picnics and BBQs.

I know it is a small area, but we would all still make full use of it if it was kept as green space. Eventually the roads around here will be extended to Wyandotte and this could be a small oasis in the center of the new subdivision. I hope it remains as Green Space.

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