Road will virtually be sandwiched between two large buildings. While our homes are usually our largest investment, it is important to keep the value for their future. Perhaps it is the nest egg for retirement, perhaps for future inheritance of their children. Companies wishing to build to make a profit, and the City to obtain more property taxes at the cost of the existing homeowners is certainly inappropriate in their eyes.

Traffic – Section (a) (iv) of the Official Plan recognizes the issue of traffic in the City. It states: “where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern”. Certain ly, this should be a concern. We do not believe this road was ever imagined to grow the way it has, but now to add some 120 vehicles to the mix from one small area will have a huge impact in the area. Keep in mind that there is a primary school and a church with a daycare facility within mere yards of this proposed development. Children from the daycare are often seen being escorted across Lauzon Road to go for walks or attend public venues within Forest Glade Drive. Children cross the roads in the area to attend and depart school. Certainly the egress of vehicles from this site will make it very difficult for people across from this area to gain access to the road. Specifically, these other homes do not have driveways wherein they are able to drive forward out of their driveways, making it that much more difficult.

Motor vehicle accidents in the intersection of Lauzon Road and Forest Glade are numerous. Actually, on Friday, December 4, 2020 at approximately 3:30 p.m. I witnessed the results of an accident of a school crossing guard lying on the eastbound lane of Forest Glade and the police in attendance. At this time, children are leaving the school crossing right there. I have also been told that the police often sit their police cars in the driveway of this proposed development lot with speed radar. I am aware that no traffic impact study is required for this development, but I think what I have just said shows the traffic concerns.

In the Dillon Report, Section 3.3, it refers to “ complimentary housing” being located in the surrounding area. Buildings complimentary the ones proposed are located on Wildwood, Forest Glade Drive, Hawthorne and Meadowbrook. Certainly, we would submit that these buildings are not what we would consider “in the surrounding area”, and certainly they are n ot on this road. We would estimate the closest building, on Meadowbrook, is 328.17 metres away (1076 feet) and is not even on the road where this is proposed.

Finally, it is always a concern that once Pandora’s Box is open, it can never be shut. If th is development is allowed, what is to stop others from following?

We also have circulated a petition with regard to the opposition of this construction and to date we have 174 signatures. We have submitted that petition to you through the Clerk’s office.

Our proposal is for this land not be rezoned, but rather developed under the same zoning into single detached dwellings to be placed with frontages along the eastern portion of the land facing Lauzon Road. We are not opposed to the land being severed for this purpose and believe several homes could be built on the location. In fact, the frontage of this property is 375.46 feet and could easily house 6 homes with 60 foot frontage or even 5 houses with 75 foot frontage or 4 houses at 90 feet frontage. This is prime property with wonderful views of the nature running behind it. We believe the developer could build these homes and experience a profit for themselves, while keeping the current look of the area, allowing local birds and animals to stay in the area and have no impact at all on traffic and water drainage/sewage concerns. By allowing the type of construction we are proposing, the City of Windsor would be operating consistently with their Official Plan.